Friday, May 22, 2009

Some collages

Here are some photo collages of me and a friend of mine (yg duduk beside me time convo), Ani... Hehe hi Ani... Ena buat collage saja dulu our pixs ah... Inda Ena pandai macam pakai slide show atu, later Ena tanya someone k cemana.

Ani ane dengan Ena becerita2 selalu waktu rehearsal & Convo hehe... Mcm2 lah cerita kami especially pasal makanan... Ani, nanti a day out mencari makanan tani, order2 cupcakes, brownies =)) pastu we makan sama2 hehe... Ani, Ena karang mkn browniessssssssss yessssss =))

Bah, c ya nanti lagi =)) enjoy the pixs.


♥Convocation Rehearsal

♥Convocation Day♥

♥Convocation Dinner