Monday, June 1, 2009


Selamat Hari Gawai to all Puak Iban...
Selamat Hari Jadi Askar to all armies...

Last night we had a bbq at Uncle Jasni's house with the OTPS dudes... I brought Shepherd pie hhehe... it was fun, with all the karaokeing & such... bnyk ayam belabih ahhhh... pasal akhi masak wah the ayam... Two thumbs up for aunt leha punya fried rice. aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... most of the guys nyanyi o maybe all??? haha tekajutku suresh pun mnyanyi ah haha lmao! but nda kira suara sumbangsih kah, ke laut kah, ke langit kah, nda ingau, nyanyi jua =D cooooollll~~~ aku suka ice lemon tea ahhhh.... abis tia jua awal huhuhuhu... nah kan minum atu ku rasanya, membali nda, membali nda? hehe got to sing part of a song called 'Pulangkan" atusaja but i enjoyed it =)) syok dgr adam ketawa2 n beibun with Nisya n Gjem (Sya, tahan ko migang baby ku ahhh hahaha)... we stayed there til nearly 3 am... huh, wat a nyt =))

the day before, we went shoppin for the bbq, fatin ikut... we went shoppin with najefff hihi.... but then najefffff tarus balik, coz takut ayam buntu... we meliat kerita lagi arah beribi, then tejumpa bapa haji bakar, ia belanja we minum patang tarus d Mamih. Pastu we went to Mall, kan beli brg yg alum beli && jalan2...

Ow yea!!! Got new hairstyle now!!! I got bangssssssss =D lol!!! Kalamarin ku begunting =))

Hit u with this!

Okiesss tats all for now...

Shopping & all


Me with my new bangs =)