Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hectic??? My day today can be considered as hectic also =)) lots of order, hehe i'm so happy =)) i ate my wedges this afternoon, i'm so liking it =)) don't know how the others feel... But i think i like it =)) the taste =)) i like it =))

Tomorrow gonna go to a wedding ceremony of my 2nd cousin & maybe go to the mall also as planned by husband... && early morn??? salon??? we'll c how ayts! that's all for today =))

It's Me,


Thursday, June 18, 2009


Today, i went for the 2nd interview =)) inda ku semangat pasal the place atu, but then saja2 hehe... n yessss i didnt get thru, coz the post inda kena mengena dgn our course haha... so yeah, as i promised, pictures are here... =))

Cake from his side =)



Sewel after interview =P



Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This morning I had an interview at J-FA sdn bhd sumwer arah kilanas... interview as an INTERIOR DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL wat??? tempatnya nda syok ah... syok plg sulnya... lawa2 plg rumah dibuatnya... but entah ahhh... entahlah labuuuuu~~~ there i met amy, ain n chin... nah... usb connector camera ku tgl d atas... malas ku naik ke level 6 atuuuuu hehe.... nanti saja ku upload gmbar ye~~~

6 slots left for this saturday's Shepherd Pie~~~ bah check out the other blog k...

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hehe.... Hello all sorry for the late update~ i dunno why jua knapa aku malas =PP first, i want to say happy belated birthday to my husband who's turning 21 on 9th June~~~ lepas itu... happy birthday to my cuzen c kumpu~~~ yg nyanyi lagu Oh Te'a atu... hari ani birthday nya hehe... okiessssss....

second, i wanna tell u apa yg ku craving masane... hehe it's chocolate lava!!! lepastu brownies/blondies by Sas(Syaz) aku tadi nda dpt beli arah icentre tu pasal ada cuzen nikah *sob* aku mau rasa yg baru tu huhu... then then agar2 keladi haha... cali ahhhhh.... sama kuih bom inti kacang tanah... anyone kan belanja? haha... nadawah im joking... tapi banar plg aku craving psl tu tapi psl minta lanja atu eksen saja... tapi mun bemurah hati, bulih jua haha!!!

lastly, i've started my mini oh-so-called business...... starting with shepherd pie & free home made potato wedges for every purchase. Just click on this link POTASTIQUE

Only limited shepherd's pie are available today (saturday) now it's only 4 slots left. Again click on the link POTASTIQUE for more details okay, don't miss out this promotion =))
i'll upload next time lah pictures of my recent activities ayt =))

love u all,


Happy Belated Birthday Ayang

Happy Birthday Cousin

Friday, June 5, 2009


Heyyyy~~~ tadi we jalan2 survey price of barang2 akn di beli for my mini business...
1st, we went to cutepack delima, Hua ho mall manggis, pastu ada urang tais liur popcorn (mals cakap siapa, haha paham2 saja kamu siapa) so we went to the mall tarus beli pampers baby adam, pastu ada urg atu taisliur tongking, haha so, tarus tia ke pasar malam... then then, we went to Lee Clinic, beli Baby Adam punya cream =)) then2 ada urg atu, ia request air, so we went to Hotmart (but ada syarat, ia hev to nyanyi 1st lagu siapakan tu? ST12 kah?) haha... so yeah, dapat tia juwa... && me myself, teslyur pearl milk tea, tarus tia ke easyway d blakang atu... after tat, we went home... huhu...

pastukannnnnnnn... abistia......... haha apakannnn... =))

hit this!

k, thazzal... peace!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to my brother in law who's bday is yesterday... Same goes to Alai Qeelah, sama jua bday nya =))

we went to katok kmarin, sambut bday alip with bbq n a surprise bday cake...

went home at 10ish hehe

Ayang starts his ITB session today.


That's all for now


Monday, June 1, 2009


Selamat Hari Gawai to all Puak Iban...
Selamat Hari Jadi Askar to all armies...

Last night we had a bbq at Uncle Jasni's house with the OTPS dudes... I brought Shepherd pie hhehe... it was fun, with all the karaokeing & such... bnyk ayam belabih ahhhh... pasal akhi masak wah the ayam... Two thumbs up for aunt leha punya fried rice. aku sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... most of the guys nyanyi o maybe all??? haha tekajutku suresh pun mnyanyi ah haha lmao! but nda kira suara sumbangsih kah, ke laut kah, ke langit kah, nda ingau, nyanyi jua =D cooooollll~~~ aku suka ice lemon tea ahhhh.... abis tia jua awal huhuhuhu... nah kan minum atu ku rasanya, membali nda, membali nda? hehe got to sing part of a song called 'Pulangkan" atusaja but i enjoyed it =)) syok dgr adam ketawa2 n beibun with Nisya n Gjem (Sya, tahan ko migang baby ku ahhh hahaha)... we stayed there til nearly 3 am... huh, wat a nyt =))

the day before, we went shoppin for the bbq, fatin ikut... we went shoppin with najefff hihi.... but then najefffff tarus balik, coz takut ayam buntu... we meliat kerita lagi arah beribi, then tejumpa bapa haji bakar, ia belanja we minum patang tarus d Mamih. Pastu we went to Mall, kan beli brg yg alum beli && jalan2...

Ow yea!!! Got new hairstyle now!!! I got bangssssssss =D lol!!! Kalamarin ku begunting =))

Hit u with this!

Okiesss tats all for now...

Shopping & all


Me with my new bangs =)